Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Stress Supplements

Those who have a stressful day job may start to notice weight loss becoming more and more difficult. Weight loss is absolutely effected by stress hormones. These hormones will make it harder to lose the weight around the middle of our body and even make it harder on feeling like we want to go to the gym. Most people start to lose the desire to work out when stressed out, even though exercise is a natural stress reliever. We all have a tendency to pull away from the hobbies and activities we love when pain or stress set in, when in fact that is the time you need it more. Making yourself go to the gym when you don't feel like it, will actually make you feel better when you are done. Part of that will come from accomplish something and the other part, is from the natural release of endorphins.
If you find you need a little help decreasing the stress, there are two natural supplements that help and have little side effects. The first one is Cordyceps, it is a natural fungus (not quite a mushroom) that has been used in eastern medicine for years. The other is Rhodiola, an herb found only in high elevations. Both of these supplements are called adaptogens. It helps your body to naturally overcome the increased stress in life (adapt faster) and remain more calm. You will find you have more energy and sleep better. Either one of these supplements works well with stress related weight gain and helps to combat those effects. I have added a widget to the right of this blog that shows my top picks for those supplements. I have also created a health store just for us, that we can look through and shop at. This is all through Amazon. Just know that every product I have recommended is one that I took time to look at and find the best cost for the quality. Look for a post later this week on other stress relieving techniques.

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