Monday, November 23, 2009


A few posts back I talked about goal setting and only setting one or two goals at a time until a habit is set.
Along with the goal setting is important questions to ask yourself. Every time you go to do something you have to ask yourself if what you are doing is in alignment with your goals. For example if your goal is to eat healthier or lose weight by eating better, every time food crosses into your mouth you have to ask your self, will eating this food keep me in line with my goals? If not, it is time to put the fork down, if it will chow away.
Remember the fastest place from one point to another is a straight line so eating cup cakes and pizza is not a straight line. Also if you are craving person, can you find a way to limit your craving or cheat to once a day? If you are going to have a cookie for lunch are you willing to omit desert or that glass of wine in the evening?
Keep on trucking ladies, we are only three weeks away from it all.