Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Building Muscle

A quick word to muscle building. Some people have joined this contest not so much for weight loss but to increase tone and overall fitness.
For those who want to look more tone, pay attention. It takes some time to build muscle. The standard medical answer is that from beginning of a weight program to the end, it takes on average 8 weeks minimum to build more muscle. There are other opinions about this in the world, but I am giving you my perspective from my training. In order for the muscle to actually build, ie get stronger, you not only have to be patient, but you also have to work the larger muscles to fatigue often. So a short intense work out (30 minutes or so) is more beneficial than two hour long sessions. Working the larger muscle groups or combanation moves like squats and lunges will get the smaller muscles working in the area as well. Again this is for those who want to build muscle vs just get stronger. To get some more size to the muscles, you need to tire them out several times a week. This will send a signal to the brain.... 'I have to get bigger to adapt to this weight lifting.'
For those who start now, they will still have a chance of looking fit and tone by the end of our contest.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Muscular Fitness

Hi all,

Sorry about the lack of post this week. The time flew by. Here we are at another weigh in date. Anyone nervous that they might have put some back on or not lost anymore? I am after our potluck the other night. Even though it was healthy, I still had quite a bit.

Today I wanted to talk about the importance of a weight training program. Many women put it off because they want to do cardio and lose weight first. This is actually counter productive. Adding muscle early on will help to increase your overall BMR (basil metabolic rate) this will mean you burn more calories at rest, for even muscle at rest has a higher demand for calories than fat alone. Add some weight training now, even if it is push ups and squats using only your own body weight. Need help creating a strenght work out? You all have plenty of people here than can help or start using those great training DVD's that Christine is handing out.