Thursday, October 8, 2009

Simple Science to Help Your Body


I wanted to remind you all of something very simple, and sometimes we needed to be reminded of the simple things, like sitting up straight, looking both ways before crossing the street and chewing with our mouth closed. The simple task I am going to remind everyone today is, chewing your bites of food 30 times before swallowing. Maybe you have heard this before, maybe you haven't.
The interesting point behind it not only has to do with better digestion, but better energy overall. Why is this you ask? Well, our body uses at least 10% of our body's energy to digest our food. You heard me right, at least 10% of our energy every day is taken up by eating. While eating and the energy to digest is important, why not take a little more time to chew it up properly so we use less energy to digest it? That way we might have the energy at the end of the day to get a little more cardio in. Plus chewing 30 times burns a few more calories than chewing how you normally chew. ;)
Digestion starts in the mouth, so the more we chew the more the enzymes in our saliva break the food up and the more nutrients we get with less work. Start counting the number of times you chew, you may realize you chew much less than you think and it becomes quite a bit of mush by chewing 30 times. Not only does this help you digest better but it slows you down and teaches you to focus on your eating, which will also give your body the full signal sooner and you will end up eating less at every meal. Give it a try and see how it works for you.

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