Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Are we on track?

Getting ready for week one weigh in? Are we feeling on track? Any wins as far as avoiding temptation? Lets hear about it.


  1. Okay girls, I weighed in early today because I'm rocking Wizard of Oz tonight. I've lost 6 lbs and 2.8% of my weight. To calculate use the following I found on the web...STARTING WEIGHT - CURRENT WEIGHT = WEIGHT LOST. Divide the weight lost by your starting weight and multiply by 100...that's your percentage lost. I'm very proud to be a part of this BLC with y'all. Hope you're all feeling proud of yourselves. Arms around.

  2. I felt really energized by my first week's weigh in. I have also really been using the pedometer to gauge overall activity in my day, aside from my scheduled workouts.

    Boy, was I off in my estimation of how active I am on a daily basis. I thought I was up, walking around, and definitely getting in close to the 10,000 steps a day "goal." My actual average for the first week of tracking was closer to 5556 a day. And that average is actually bumped up because I ran two of those days as a workout.

    I think everyone should have received a pedometer in their goody bag when we did the kick-off event - try wearing it for a few days. But be careful - the reset button is very easy to press! I had to recalculate a few times after discovering that 2000 steps had magically disappeared.

    I challenge you to get an average for a week, then add 1000 to 2000 steps a day until you're getting up to that 10,000 mark! :) Best of luck to everyone - we've already lost 74lbs in one week. Keep up the great work!

  3. Hi guys;

    I was hoping some of you could share some low-calorie snacks. If I eat one more serving of raisins i'm gonna freak out!

    This is really fun. I hope we do it again right after our 12 weeks is up! Who's with me?
